Gun Control:  You cannot legislate the evil out of anyone

Gun Control: You cannot legislate the evil out of anyone

So just to be clear, a whole bunch of people who have publicly wished death upon conservatives, such as this warm and fuzzy woman (below) after the shooting in Vegas, those 

Luscious Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Banana Bread

Luscious Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Banana Bread

The wee monsters were asking for banana bread last week, but I’m over it so I made a chocolate version.  Now I’m so mad I could kick myself.  This recipe 

The Virus That Is Going To End Me

The Virus That Is Going To End Me

I’m not a pansy. Let me lay out the foundation here first and say that I’ve had RA for 15 years.  I know pain and discomfort and I’ve become really 

If You Want To Make A Difference, Be Authentic

If You Want To Make A Difference, Be Authentic

I‘ve been trying to articulate why I write, why I’ve chosen this forum, and seriously trying to figure out how I can make a pendulum swing from waxing poetic about 

Think Bill Murray in Caddyshack

Think Bill Murray in Caddyshack

Actual conversation with a guy at Home Depot after dropping $700 at the dealership. For the second time – in 4 days…   Home Depot guy, Victor: Can I help 

Momming and Midnight Vomit

Momming and Midnight Vomit

You know what’s awesome? Your kids. You know what’s not awesome? Vomit. Vomit is not awesome. I remember finding out I was pregnant. *sighhhh* The daydreams. All the wonder and 

What HOPE Looks Like

What HOPE Looks Like

Being a big believer in nutrition (read: borderline obsessed), I started an all-natural protocol in late 2015 to see if I could kick my autoimmune diseases to the curb, and 

In Faithfulness You Afflicted Me

In Faithfulness You Afflicted Me

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. It’s a gift, and a curse. You’ll thank me later. Or maybe not. My younger brother’s wife, a font of wisdom, has said several 

Drive by Lullabies

Drive by Lullabies

Delilah: Mom, I can’t sleep.  Will you sing us a lullaby? Me: Seriously? You hated when I sang to you.  And you’re like almost in college or something (not really).