Luscious Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Banana Bread

Luscious Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Banana Bread

The wee monsters were asking for banana bread last week, but I’m over it so I made a chocolate version.  Now I’m so mad I could kick myself.  This recipe 

Grain Free Dessert and Breakfast Crepes

Grain Free Dessert and Breakfast Crepes

Let’s talk about store-bought, gluten free products for just a sec.  When I first went gluten free I mostly avoided all grains, but when I’d cave and have commercial gluten free 

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies – Grain/Dairy/Refined Sugar FREE

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies – Grain/Dairy/Refined Sugar FREE

Ice cream sammiches…that was what the natives were chanting on a hot summer day.  Except for The Dog.  She’s just sitting here licking the bee sting now that I got 

Spicy Garlic Steak and Roast Marinade

Spicy Garlic Steak and Roast Marinade

I am a carnivore at heart.  There’s nothing better on a summer evening than a good steak on the grill, but this marinade takes it to another level.  I seem 

Garden Caprese Salad with Marinated Mozzarella

Garden Caprese Salad with Marinated Mozzarella

Yes.  I said MARINATED MOZZARELLA.  For shizzle. You’re welcome. A couple years ago we had a TON of little heirloom tomatoes and I was sooooo over making sauces.  Instead I 

Grain Free Chicken Strips

Grain Free Chicken Strips

When I started a healing protocol a couple years ago, I put my oldest daughter on it with me. The first few days were fun (not really). She cried. Ok, 

Greek Quinoa Salad

Greek Quinoa Salad

This is both ridiculously easy and absurdly delicious.  And if you have any leftover quinoa, even better – it’s half done already!   Add Chicken or leftover Mahi or Halibut, 

Quinoa Base Recipe

Quinoa Base Recipe

I actually like quinoa, but until the day I was out of chicken stock I had no idea why people disliked it so much.  I should’ve named this recipe “Quinoa 

You Know You’re a Carnivore When…

You Know You’re a Carnivore When…

My daughter Delilah was taking a walk with my sister-in-law Deb, planning our Independence Day BBQ…   Deb:  Delilah, we’re having hamburgers and hotdogs for the BBQ tomorrow.  What do 

Lemon-Thyme Mahi Mahi

Lemon-Thyme Mahi Mahi

Straight off, I will tell you that fish is my “fast food.” It’s the, “Oh crraaaaapppp…I forgot about dinner” meal.  I usually have on hand the frozen wild, individual cryovac