Grain Free Dessert and Breakfast Crepes

Grain Free Dessert and Breakfast Crepes

Let’s talk about store-bought, gluten free products for just a sec.  When I first went gluten free I mostly avoided all grains, but when I’d cave and have commercial gluten free 

Donut Sleep: Hole-In-The-Middle Insomnia

Donut Sleep: Hole-In-The-Middle Insomnia

So virtually my entire family has sleeping problems that seem to commence in our early 30s. It happens so often we have a term for it: Donut sleep. Because there’s 

All Barbie Needs Is A Pole

All Barbie Needs Is A Pole

I’m conflicted about Barbie – the real one, not this alpha version that seems to epitomize my personality. I oddly like her, but she needs someone besides the Golden Globe 

Think Bill Murray in Caddyshack

Think Bill Murray in Caddyshack

Actual conversation with a guy at Home Depot after dropping $700 at the dealership. For the second time – in 4 days…   Home Depot guy, Victor: Can I help