Gun Control: You cannot legislate the evil out of anyone

Gun Control:  You cannot legislate the evil out of anyone

So just to be clear, a whole bunch of people who have publicly wished death upon conservatives, such as this warm and fuzzy woman (below) after the shooting in Vegas, those who have openly called for Trump’s death and actively plotted insurrection, are suddenly so enraged and offended by the death of the same people they’ve consistently expressed hatred for, are now demanding that “not my president” listen to their reasoning and do something about guns?  Weapons which are literally incapable of doing anything on their own.  Because guns are the only medium which can cause harm and death?  And let’s not forget the evil white men.  Because they’re the only ones capable of this travesty, right?  I didn’t see a white guy pull the trigger in Vegas.  I saw a twisted, hateful human being execute others because he was filled with evil intent.  For the purposes of THIS discussion, it doesn’t even matter why he was consumed with it.

I bet she's fun at parties
I looked up her Twitter feed just for fun. It’s pretty much all like this. I bet she’s fun at parties. The normal people of the world don’t seem to like her very much.

So the question remains: WHAT GUN LAWS will extinguish evil?  Do tell.  Which ones will prevent people with a wicked heart from hating others, succumbing to mental illness, and/or planning annihilation?  Because ultimately, THAT is the problem.  How do you legislate against an evil heart? Especially when those who are seething with rage and hatred will never turn in their weapons and will ALWAYS find a way to be evil. Perhaps with a car?  A knife? Acid, maybe? IEDs? The UK has banned weapons. How’s THAT working out for them?!  Turns out not so well, since back in 2009 it was dubbed the “violent crime capital of Europe.”  And that was 8 years ago.  It’s not getting better.  In a 3 month period earlier this year, London saw 3,755 knife-related crimes.  And even though they banned guns, there were over 700 instances of such crimes.  Huh.  Fascinating.  Yeah, that whole gun-banning sure has worked out well.

Venezuela also banned guns.  Golly, Caracas must be a veritable vacation hot spot now!  And Chicago? What the actual crap? They’re killing each other right and left. No one seems to care about them. And why is that?


It doesn’t fit their narrative.


Will the weapons pouring over the border stop because we suddenly ban them?  Because clearly those criminals are already soooooo respectful of our laws. Probably not since the legislators who are calling for the ban on guns refuse to do anything about the border. So…that won’t help. How about all the people here who hate America and Americans? They hated us so much they wanted to move here. What?  Why is that, by the way? Gee, I wonder.  They’ll suddenly comply with a compulsory surrender order from a government they openly despise?  Yeah, I don’t see that happening either.  So what would be left if we had to surrender our weapons?  A whole crap ton of people who openly hate us down to our mitochondria, with a massive propensity to do us harm, will keep their weapons and/or devise new ones with recipes readily available on the Internet, and supplies they can pick up at the local home and garden store.

And THAT is one reason why banning weapons is a bad freaking idea. The ONLY people who will benefit are criminals and those foaming at the mouth with the hatred of a thousand suns, because they didn’t get their way.


Another reason to allow citizens to arm themselves is so they can protect themselves from, and perhaps inhibit the rise of, a tyrannical government.  Which is precisely why the founding fathers stuck that pesky 2nd Amendment in there.  They were living the dream of being under an absolute-ruler’s thumb, so they knewest what the crap they were talking about.  Don’t think tyranny is possible in the U.S. anymore?  Well let’s get back to Venezuela again.


Twenty-five years ago Venezuela was a prosperous nation.  As government and government control grew, they began circling the economic drain.  Violence rose even more because they hadn’t been happy with their leaders for a while.  Sound familiar?  But then it really started going downhill.  In 2012 they imposed a weapons ban, and to the surprise of exactly zero people capable of critical thinking, violent crime increased.  Now they are a feral State.  As of April of this year, the only people allowed to own and use a weapon are committed Maduro-supporters. How convenient that the citizens are now impotent when it comes to protecting themselves.  

Here’s a quick guide to how Venezuelan government “takes care of” its citizens: 1) disarm them 2) starve them 3) rob them. Notice how number 2 and 3 don’t happen until the people are stripped of any means to fight back…

Because that was the plan – the people were really becoming unhappy with the socialist dictatorship.  Weapons banning sure sounds lot like Hitler.  The real one, not the current POTUS that the left, in yet another daily fit of unrighteous anger erroneously label him to be.  Look up the literal definition of Nazi.  For as much as you may dislike Trump, he would never qualify as a Nazi, and the literal Hitler would (also) hate his guts. 


You’re ridiculous.  Try again.  


When Venezuela doubled down on their weapons ban last year, almost FIVE YEARS AFTER ENACTING THE BAN, their murder rate was STILL the second highest in the WORLD.  The ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD.


The socialist leader of Venezuela announced in a speech to regime loyalists his plan to arm hundreds of thousands of supporters after a years-long campaign to confiscate civilian-owned guns.

“A gun for every militiaman!” Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said outside the presidential palace. The arming of Maduro’s supporters comes five years after Venezuela’s socialist regime outlawed the commercial sale and civilian ownership of firearms. The country recently doubled down on its gun ban through a combination of gun buybacks and confiscations in 2016.

As protests and unrest increase in Venezuela, Maduro has created a landscape where civilians are disarmed but his supporters are not.


The left and gun-grabbing people in this nation hate conservatives so much that they are willing to risk their freedom to Make. Them. Suffer.  Solid plan.   Bet me that if this country ever did ban weapons, but then suddenly made them available to the current liberal gun-grabbers, the same people so contemptuous of weapons would be first in line to pick theirs up. 


Venzuelan National Guard running over protesters
Global News, Reuters and the Associated Press

It is estimated that there are over 270 MILLION LEGALLY OWNED FIREARMS in the U.S.. Based on the claims of those calling for a ban, all gun owners are eeeeeeevil. If that was true, the above number means we’d all be dead by now. BUT to these people, facts don’t matter. They pontificate that people will magically become pacifists and the world will be covered in rainbow-farting unicorns and fairy peace-dust. “We are going to bring disarmament and peace,” said Venezuela’s Interior Minister Nestor Reverol at a confiscation event in August of 2016.  LOL!  That sure is working out great for your people, huh?!  Who needs a gun anyway when your security forces can just run over the protesters with Venezuelan-style tanks.



What a completely moronic, purposely uninformed, profoundly ignorant, wildly erroneous presumption based on LIES spewed forth from a bunch of bitter, angry people who viscerally hate a solid portion of us. Good luck with that.


But then again, facts no longer matter.  And let’s be honest.  Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, the newishly arrived on the scene she-hag Kamala Harris, and their ilk don’t care about your bump stocks.  Most of the time, the gun-grabbers also don’t even know what they’re talking about.  Like this guy.  He was fun.   


Face palm.  If only I could snort in derision over the internet.


Anyway….Based on the fact that people who think just like the above recently made California a sanctuary state, and removed the liability of anyone purposely infecting others with HIV, they don’t give a rat’s arse about any of us.  Just the votes they can secure so they can stay in power.  They’re after total control.  And how does that happen?  Leaving the citizens with zero possibility of defending themselves.


So to sum up, YOU want US to surrender our weapons so WE will all be safer.  What a steaming pile of horse manure.  You publicly, without compunction, wish us harm on the regular. You basked in the glory of a bunch of alleged Trump supporters being mowed down by bullets while they were listening to music.  YOU, who consistently express your hatred for us.  Maybe you’re just hoping that the criminals will do the work for you and wipe us out, since that seems to be what you’re calling for every chance you get?


Yeah, you’re not the problem AT ALL. YOUR hatred is totally justified. Our deaths are completely reasonable. Regular people who get up, go to work, raise their families, obey the laws, and just happen to own a firearm hoping they’ll never have to use it to defend their families….WE’RE the problem? Trust me, if the 30% of the adults who possess just shy of 300 M-M-MILLION legally owned weapons in this country were inclined to evil, you would know it

Use your head and stop leading with hate and baseless hysteria.  Y’all need Jesus.