Prius Drivers: Self-Righteous Guardians of the Speed Limit

Prius Drivers: Self-Righteous Guardians of the Speed Limit

A couple months ago I had the opportunity to visit Tennessee. What a complete departure that was from Southern California. As I sat there contemplating my stay, of all things I thought “the drivers are so polite here!” We all roll up to a stop…”you go….no, y’all go ahead….no, please you first!”  I realize that this can get to the point where someone (me, probably) eventually yells “Someone just freaking go and get this party started already!”
Minivan vs Prius
This choice causes mild despair – and I clearly needed to wash my windshield.

Compare this to a month prior where a woman in California driving a Prius (that’s important) started flipping me off, honking, and screaming out her window at me that it was “HER TURN!” (to turn left in front of me when I was going straight, both arrived at the same time) because somewhere along the way everyone in California came to feel they always have the right-of-way regardless of, you know…laws. To which I, in all my maturity, stopped in the middle of the intersection to inform her that she was wrong and to refer her to the DMV website to verify this.


I felt vindicated. And petty, but whatever. I didn’t look, but I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a Namaste sticker on the bumper. She’s probably got a Love Trumps Hate sticker by now, but I digress.


As I pondered said delightful differences, I flashed back to a couple weeks prior to being in Tennessee where I was forced to follow a long stretch of roadway behind these Bastions Of The Speed Limit. Where, I’m convinced, Prius drivers do this on purpose. They’re both going 5 MPH below said speed limit the entire time, one in each lane because of course they were, and I think they do it just to annoy me. Because it’s all about me, apparently. Whenever I roll up to a stoplight and my only two options are the minivan and the Prius, I literally groan and experience mild despair.  There’s really no telling how that will go but I typically bank on the fact that moms everywhere are usually late for something so I roll the dice on the minivan just about every time if I can. Those moms are my people.

Minivan vs Prius - again
More mild despair and poor choice on my part.

It’s actually become such an annoyance that owning and operating a Prius is now a dating deal-breaker.  I just can’t do it.  I fantasize about legislation that disallows them from driving in the far left lane so you can see that this would probably be an impediment to a healthy dating relationship.




That said, props to the Prius drivers who do not feel the need to drive below the speed limit in the fast lane. And I sincerely miss Tennessee.